How Much Time Do I Have To Claim?

It depends on the statute of limitations from the county and government agencies. Where if a certain amount of time passes, most likely you can no longer claim funds. It’s recommended to pursue the claim as soon as possible.

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Can I Go After These Funds On My Own?

In most cases collecting these funds require a motion or application to be filed with the court or holding agency and hiring an attorney on your own could be costly. Attorney’s usually charge an hourly rate which needs to be paid whether or not they are successful…

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Will I Need To Pay Anything Upfront?

No. We work on a contingency basis, cover all the expenses to process the claim, and you pay nothing unless we successfully recover your funds. We only receive a finder’s fee if and when you’re paid.

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Why Wasn’t I Notified?

The county and government agencies will only mail the letter to the last address on record and not the current address. They do not take the extra mile to find people like you to notify about the funds that is owe to the rightful owner. 

The county and agencies a…

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Where Are The Funds From?

 Surplus funds come from foreclosure sales, where the county holds an auction, and the property sells for more than the amount of that’s owed and then the debt gets paid off out the proceeds of the sale and the remaining balance is available to the former owner. 

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Why Are These Funds Being Owed To Me That I Never Knew About?

The most common reasons funds being owed can be from a foreclosure sale from an auction held by the county. Where the excess funds are available to the previous owner. Once the expenses are owed to the county. Unclaimed funds can be due to the assets of the accoun…

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